To design is to add value and meaning, to simplify, clarify, modify, persuade, and is at its core amuse.
As a designer I value...
It doesn’t matter how clever the usability and user experience may be if people will never discover it. You must first gain a user's trust before they can begin to explore.
It’s easy to trust something that looks good but if it does not function and solve user needs then there will be zero returning users.
Not being afraid to make mistakes is the key to creativity and innovation. It allows us to let go of assumptions and learn something new.
When you meet someone for the first time you may not remember their name but you will most likely remember how this person made you feel. Experiences make things memorable.
When asking a child to perform a goofy task, a child will perform without hesitation. Play allows us to let go of reservations and open ourselves up for discovery. Having fun also makes problem-solving bearable.